Thursday 7nd of September at 16:30 in M201 Alsion ( main entrance , one floor up )
Deadline for signing up is Monday 31rd of August – Sandwiches will be served – if you have special dietary needs, then you can order a chicken sandwich or vegetarian sandwich when you sign up for the event at just order a ticket accordingly to your wish
The RUST programming language
A competitor to C++ in system programming?
Contents of the presentation: An introduktion to RUST, the language and the surrounding eco-system – what it can be used for and how it interacts with other systems. My starting point will be how I started with RUST – thus, you will see a mixture of presentations and code-examples.
The presenter:
Jesper Berthing: Master and Ph.D. in engineering of mechatronics and embedded systems.
Works at Danfoss Drives with functional safety. In the summer he keeps track of his bees in his spare time and in the winter he investigates tools/languages for embedded SW development in his spare time.
— Dansk version —–:
Programmeringssproget RUST
En konkurrent til C++ system-programmering?
Præsentationsindhold: En introduktion til RUST, sproget og økosystemet omkring – hvad kan det bruges til og hvordan interagerer det med andre systemer. Jeg vil tage udgangspunkt i hvordan jeg selv kom i gang med RUST – Så derfor vil det være en blanding af præsentation og kode eksempler.
Jesper Berthing: Civilingeniør, Ph.D., i mekatronik med profil i embeddede systemer fra SDU-Sønderborg:
Til dagligt arbejder han på Danfoss Drives i Gråsten med functional safety. Om sommeren bruger han sin fritid på sine bier og om vinteren undersøger han nye værktøjer/sprog til embedded SW-udvikling.
Tilmeldinger er lukket for dette arrangement.