Time: Thursday, 27th Mar, 16:30 – 18:00
Place: Alsion, M304-M307 (go to the main entrance and take lift to the 3rd floor, head East 😉
Sign-up: Sunday, 23rd Mar, 23:59
Sandwiches will be served, if you have special dietary needs then you can order a chicken or vegetarian sandwich by sending an email to Krzysztof (krzys@mmmi.sdu.dk)
Topic: Embedded Software Testing Practices: An Overview and Open Discussion
This session provides a concise overview of testing practices in embedded software development. Presenters from two companies will summarize their approaches, covering topics such as static analysis, unit testing, hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing, and manual acceptance testing. They will also address methods for verifying that requirements are adequately implemented and tested. The presentation is designed to stimulate a professional discussion on current practices and potential refinements in the field.
Mads Hede Nielsen, Senior Manager, R&D Software TECHLINE Linak A/S
Berk Dikici, Senior Software Engineer, Danfoss A/S
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